Paper Quality Improvement

  • Scientific Reviewing

With this service, you can get our experts in your field to review your paper and provide constructive feedback so that you can improve your manuscript before you take the final step of submitting it to journals. Our assessment process here resembles the kind undertaken at major high-impact journals, maximizing your chances of receiving favorable comments from journal editors and a positive reply on your submission.

We will help you with

  1. Eliminating the major issues for manuscript rejection through comprehensive and objective evaluation
  2. Gaining a specific technical review with suggestions for improvement
Paper Quality Improvement
  • Statistical Reviewing
  • With this service, you can get our expert statisticians to review your paper and provide constructive feedback to improve your manuscript with regards to the statistics content in it, such as the relationship between variables, correcting statistical errors, and providing a good data visualization, much before you submit your manuscript. Our statistical assessment will be similar to what major high-impact journals do , so you can improve your manuscript before they raise critical statistical concerns , improving your chances of receiving positive comments from journal editors.
  • Epidemiology And Methodological Reviewing
  • If you have chosen a good topic for your research, the methodology flaw is usually the key reason for receiving a rejection.

Our expert epidemiologists can help you reduce variability, test hypotheses, and make accurate inferences from your experiment.

With this service, you can get our expert statisticians to review your paper and provide constructive feedback so that you can improve your manuscript in terms of methodological point of view prior to submission. We assess your article as it would be assessed at major high-impact journals, maximizing your chances of receiving favorable comments from journal editors.