Full English Paper Editing

Full English Paper Editing

Publication in peer-review journals is the lifeblood of an academic career. While writing a strong research paper is crucial for every researcher’s success, writing it in a language that impresses journal editors and publishers is indispensable. Submitting your manuscript for full professional editing increases your chances of being published in the leading journals in your field. At UMR, we provide all-round services to enhance the written text of your paper. Our editors take a holistic approach and improve the style, clarity, and tone of your writing. We help you communicate your ideas effectively so that readers can focus on your research and grasp the important concepts easily. In eliminating grammatical, punctuation, and syntax errors, we ensure that the consistency, vocabulary, and flow of your manuscript is impeccable. We give concrete feedback in comments in the margins to help you understand the revisions and develop your research writing further. Our carefully selected editors have experience with a vast range of academic areas, and we match your document with an editor with experience in your field. Your study may be in the humanities, natural sciences, or social sciences. With editing and proofreading from UMR, you can submit your academic work confidently to various reputable journals. Our manuscript editing services have helped thousands of researchers maximize the impact of their writing. UMR provides high-quality English proofreading and editing services with guaranteed compliance with deadlines. With 24-hour support and rapid delivery time, UMR is an affordable one-stop-shop for your writing and publication needs. Through our full editing services, we have provided assistance to researchers across academic domains to help them create more impactful manuscripts.

  • Copy Editing or Line Editing

Helping researchers, academics and graduates perfect their writing is our passion. Our copy-editing services focus on consistency, word selection, and flow of the sentences along with tackling the minor errors in your text. Under this service, we will improve your document at the sentence level.  We also provide a free editing certificate to prove that you have undertaken professional English editing of your document before submitting it to journals.

  • Proofreading

No manuscript is perfect without thorough proofreading. Our proofreading services will conduct an exhaustive check of your manuscript and correct all minor errors in your document including grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, punctuation issues and more. We will polish your manuscript and give it the professional last touch it requires to make it ready for publication. Our editors will revise your work to meet your needs, whether you require language editing, manuscript proofreading, or basic thesis and dissertation proofreading.

  • Plagiarism Check
  • What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism refers to representing another author’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one’s original work. While there is no standard definition for plagiarism and in the educational context its meaning differs depending on the institution, plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and journalistic ethics by all.

  • What are the types of plagiarism?

Plagiarism covers a range of cases, from accidental and unintentional copying to deliberate theft. Some of the most popular forms of plagiarism are copy-pasting, word-for-word usage of another’s work without citation, and plagiarism by copy and pasting words and simply changing only a few words. Well known types of plagiarism are:

  • 1.Global Plagiarism refers to the act of passing off another’s work as your own.
  • 2.Verbal plagiarism refers to the act of directly copying another’s words.
  • 3.Essentially, Paraphrasing plagiarism is rephrasing someone else’s ideas so that they appear as your own.
  • 4.The term Patchwork plagiarism refers to the practice of combining excerpts from different sources to form your own text.
  1. Self-plagiarism: Publishing a part of your previous article as a new article is self-plagiarism. Because in this type of plagiarism, the person committing plagiarism has knowingly used his own previously printed text, the crime is much heavier. Therefore, one must refrain from including even a small part of the previous articles in the new article.


  • How to identify plagiarism?

Various software programs are available to detect and investigate plagiarism, some of which are online and free, while others charge a certain fee, usually between ten and one hundred dollars for each article.

The most important plagiarism detection software are as follows:

  1. Free software to investigate plagiarism


The biggest weakness of the free software is its restricted access to resources to compare and detect similarities and plagiarism. In addition, free software compares your article only with free resources and articles available in cyberspace and does not compare your article with the huge and reputable databases of major publishers. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of free software at all.


  • Paid software plagiarism investigation

Among the paid software, iThenticate is undoubtedly the best software for checking the percentage of plagiarism, with access to information from more than 530 major publishers globally, 90,000 major journals through Cross Check, dissertations through ProQuest, and other scientific information sources. At UMR, we undertake plagiarism check using iThenticate.

The ability of this software to conduct such an in-depth analysis has led the world’s major publishers, including Elsevier, Springer, Wiley Blackwell, and Nature, which publish more than 90 percent of the world’s scientific journals, to use the iThenticate software to verify the authenticity or the possibility of plagiarism of the manuscripts submitted to them.

  • What percentage of plagiarism is allowed? What are the differences between plagiarism and the similarity of articles?

Before answering these questions, we need to know the difference between plagiarism and the similarity of articles. Similarity is when we use keywords, specialized words, materials and methods, specific names that have already been used frequently in published articles. Here, the software recognizes these items and calculates them as similar. However, if this number of same words in a row is more than three words, or the written sequence of your article is like that of other articles, the software will calculate these words as plagiarism.

  • UMR offers two services related to plagiarism:
  1. Plagiarism check only

In this, we check the manuscript with iThenticate and send you the result.

  1. Plagiarism check + paraphrasing and editing.
  • Paraphrasing
  • In general, it can be said that most journals consider the similarity between articles of up to about 15-20% to be acceptable, provided that each of the minor similarities is less than 2%. However, it should be noted that even a small percent of plagiarism is unacceptable and causes a quick rejection of the article even before judging.
  • How to fix plagiarism?
  • Paraphrasing, re-wording, and rewriting can be used to eliminate plagiarism.
  • To do this correctly, you must first read the sentences carefully and then, without copying them, write the new sentence in such a way that its scientific meaning does not change. The impossibility of changing specialized terms makes rewriting articles a complicated affair. In addition to mastering English, the editor must simultaneously know the keywords and specific terminology.
  • Conclusion and closing remarks

UMR offers two services:

  1. Plagiarism check only

We will check the manuscript with iThenticate and send you the result.

  1. Plagiarism check + paraphrasing and editing.
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UMR not only helps you conducts a plagiarism check and helps you identify any potential issues that may arise out of parts of your manuscript being highlighted as plagiarized, we help you in the next step of overcoming this challenge. Based on the plagiarism reported generated by our best-in-class software, our editors will help you rewrite parts of your manuscript that may be flagged for plagiarism. They will reconstruct sentences and rewrite them in original words. Once this process is complete, a thorough edit of the manuscript will be conducted to ensure it is free of any language errors. Therafter, we will regenerate a plagiarism report to ensure that no stone has been left unturned and your manuscript passes the plagiarism test.

Finally, a certificate from our company will be issued confirming that your article has been edited by a native English speaker from UMR. This certificate is free of charge, and we will continue to support you with the English editing of your manuscript until it is published.


The details of the process are given below:

Step 1: We determine the percentage similarity of your article with other articles with iThenticate software.

Step 2: To eliminate the problem of plagiarism, it is necessary to determine the sections of your manuscript with a similarity of more than 2%. There parts need to be carefully rewritten.

In the plagiarism report, various colors are used to highlight portions of the manuscript that contain plagiarism. Each color represents a specific source or paper from which the text was copied and pasted. The overall similarity of your manuscript should be less than 20%. With regards to each source or paper shown in the plagiarism report, the similarity between that document and your paper should not be more than 1-2% similarity.

We recommend paraphrasing the sections highlighted in the plagiarism report that have a similarity of more than 1-2% while limiting the overall similarity of your paper to other documents to less than 15-20%.

At UMR, our editors will work on your manuscript and reduce the similarity of manuscript to other documents to less than 15-20% similarity. Further, we recommend adding the sources and references listed in the report as sources of plagiarism  to the list of sources of your article.

UMR supports you in all these steps by offering specialized paraphrasing and rewriting services to reduce the similarity percentage of your article to a level acceptable to the leading journals while maintaining the exact meaning and context of your document.