what is the arXiv is

what is the arXiv is ?

arXiv is a preprint server that allows researchers to share their scientific papers with the community before they have been formally published in a journal. arXiv is maintained by the Cornell University Library and is funded by the Simons Foundation and member institutions. It was created in 1991 as a means for researchers in physics and mathematics to share their work quickly and easily.

Papers published on arXiv are typically submitted by the authors and are made available for download as soon as they are received. Papers on arXiv are not peer-reviewed, meaning they have not undergone the same level of scrutiny as papers published in formal journals. However, arXiv papers are often cited and discussed by other researchers, and many papers published on arXiv eventually go on to be formally published in a journal.

arXiv is a widely used resource in the scientific community and is particularly popular in physics, mathematics, and computer science. It is a valuable source of information for researchers, students, and educators, and it provides a platform for researchers to share their work and get feedback from their peers.

What is arXiv’s aim?

The main aim of arXiv is to provide a platform for researchers to share their work with the scientific community as quickly and easily as possible. By publishing their papers on arXiv, researchers can share their findings and ideas with a wide audience of fellow scientists, who can then read, review, and cite the papers. This helps to advance the state of knowledge in a given field and enables researchers to build on the work of others.

arXiv also aims to promote open access to scientific research. By making papers available for free download, this platform allows researchers worldwide to access the latest research in their field, regardless of whether they have a subscription to a particular journal. This can help to democratize access to scientific knowledge and facilitate collaboration and exchange of ideas among researchers.

Who reads papers published in arXiv?

Papers published on arXiv are typically read by researchers, scientists, and academics in various fields.This makes it a valuable resource for researchers who want to stay up to date with the latest developments in their field and discover new ideas and techniques. arXiv is also used by students and educators as a source of information and inspiration for their research and learning.

After submitting a paper to arXiv, how can I submit the same paper to another journal?

Yes, it is generally acceptable to submit a paper that has been previously posted on arXiv to a journal for publication. However, you should check the specific guidelines of the journal you are considering submitting to, as some journals may have policies prohibiting the submission of papers that have already been published elsewhere.

To submit the paper to a journal, you will need to follow the submission guidelines of that journal.

What are the main advantages of publishing an article in arXiv?

There are several advantages to publishing an article on arXiv:

  1. Speed: Papers on arXiv are made available for download as soon as they are received, allowing researchers to share their work with the community more quickly than if they had to wait for a formal publication process
  2. Wide audience: arXiv is widely used in the scientific community and is a valuable source of information for researchers, students, and educators. This means that publishing on arXiv can help to reach a large and diverse audience.
  3. Early feedback: By making their work available on this site, researchers can get early feedback from their peers and make any necessary revisions before submitting their work for formal publication.
  4. Open access: Papers on this site are freely available for download, which promotes open access to scientific research and allows researchers worldwide to access the latest findings in their field.
  5. Citation potential: Many papers published on arXiv go on to be cited and discussed by other researchers, which can help increase the research’s visibility and impact

What are the main disadvantages of publishing an article in arXiv?

What are the main disadvantages of publishing an article in arXiv

There are a few potential disadvantages to publishing an article on arXiv:

  1.  Lack of peer review: Papers on arXiv are not subject to the same level of peer review as papers published in formal journals. This means that they may contain errors or be of lower quality than papers that have undergone rigorous peer review.
  2. Lack of prestige: Some researchers may view the publication in a formal journal as more prestigious than publishing on arXiv, as journals often have higher quality control and a more selective submission process
  3. Lack of formatting and copyediting: The authors typically upload papers on this platform and may have gone through a different level of formatting and copyediting than papers published in journals.
  4. Limited impact: While arXiv is widely used in the scientific community, it may not reach as broad an audience as a formal journal, limiting the research’s impact.
What is the procedure for submission to arXiv?

What is the procedure for submission to arXiv

The submission process for arXiv is designed to be straightforward to use. Here is a general overview of the submission process:

  • Create an account: To submit a paper , you must create an account. This involves providing your name and email address and selecting a username and password
  • Prepare your paper: Before submitting it, ensure it is in the correct format and meets the arXiv submission guidelines. This includes ensuring that the paper is in a supported file format (such as PDF or LaTeX), properly formatted, and includes all necessary components (such as an abstract and references).
  • Select a classification: When submitting your paper, you will need to select a classification that best describes the subject area of your paper. this site has several classification categories, including physics, mathematics, computer science, and many others.
  • Submit your paper: To submit your paper, log in to your account and use the submission form to upload your paper and provide any additional information that is required. You must agree to the terms of use and ensure that your paper meets the submission guidelines.
  • Wait for review: After you submit your paper, it will be reviewed by arXiv staff to ensure that it meets the submission guidelines. If your paper is accepted, it will be available for download. If your paper is rejected, you will receive a notification and an explanation for the rejection


Overall, publishing on arXiv can be a useful way for researchers to quickly share their work with the community and get feedback from their peers while promoting open access to scientific research.

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