Publish Your Medical Research Simply

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Why do our customers keep working with us?

1 %
Translated words
1 %
Edited words
1 %
Checked references
1 %
Plagiarism checked

Submission Services

Submit your manuscripts to us. So we can publish them professionally in reputable journals.

English Editing

Your manuscripts will be edited professionally

Other services

• Literature search • Abstract Editing • Professional Thesis and Dissertation Editing Services • Book Editing & Design Services
US-MEDICAL-RESEARCH Simply publish your medical research

Easily Publish Your Articles With The Help Of UMR

UMR services processes your manuscript publication from start to finish
Data Services
Study Design Services
Publication Support Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We guarantee that any manuscript edited by UMR will never be rejected because of poor language. When a rejection does occur in a rare instance, we will edit the paper at no additional charge for resubmission.

Obtaining a certificate of editing from UMR provides you with proof that your research paper has been reviewed by a native English speaker.

This scientific certificate is provided by UMR as evidence that the research paper has been evaluated by statisticians, epidemiologists and other experts in the field. It focuses on novelty, methodology, and scientific writing.

Simply fill out this form in order to place an order. Within an hour, we will contact you regarding pricing and order details. You can also see the automatic calculation of the price on the website.

All of our processes adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality and data security.

If you fill out the order request form, we will send you a quotation within one hour

Our 1-Day delivery plan has been designed to meet this requirement. Nevertheless, this is also dependent upon the length of your manuscript. Please contact us via email at with all the details regarding your paper, and we will do our best to meet your deadline.

Yes, your payment information is completely secure. All payment related information is protected by 128-bit encryption, making our payment gateways completely secure and trustworthy.

Yes, and we will offer you a special discount if you purchase multiple services.

Yes, the gold plan covers all of the steps and we will assist you until your manuscript has been published.

Blog posts

ai and radiology

AI & Radiology

As artificial intelligence (AI) grows, so do concerns. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made waves in the field of radiology. Radiology is the

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Overview of systematic review

Overview of systematic review

What is a systematic review?  A specific kind of literature review, known as a systematic review, seeks to locate, evaluate, and synthesize all pertinent research

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